Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Plan: Potential contents page layout

The layout is a blunt idea of how my contents page is going to be laid out. The titles on the right; ''FEATURES, Exclusive and Music & Charts'' are going to be in a larger font size than the sub-titles underneath it. I want the numbers on the left followed by a sub-title of that page next to it also, a brief description of the page and what it holds, I want it to be very interesting to read to therefore, catch the attention of the reader so that they are attracted to it. I will make all the description the same length as each other; I will do this carefully so that it looks very professional.

Furthermore, I have picked the following titles on this contents page because, in most R&B music magazines they often include the following titles so, and it makes sense and fits the conventions of an R&B music magazine, for example in vibe.

I will keep the colour white, grey (different shades) and black, as the background will be grey (medium darkish shade) which contrasts with some of the white/black writing also, the text within the contents page will remain white. Also, the first letter of the title (tune) is 'T' so i will be using that letter in the background in a dark grey font. Also, the model will be the same 'jada louis'

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